Highlights | Resumo: Vitória SC 1-2 FC Porto (Liga 19/20 #21)

#VSPORTS #LigaNOS #LigaPortugal #JogasMuito
Triunfo do FC Porto por 2-1 no terreno do Vitória SC, em jogo da 21.ª jornada da Liga NOS. Um auto-golo de Douglas logo aos 10 minutos, colocou a equipa de Sérgio Conceição na frente do marcador. No segundo tempo, Bruno Duarte empatou e relançou a partida, mas um golo de Marega aos 60′ estabeleceu o resultado final.

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46 opiniones en “Highlights | Resumo: Vitória SC 1-2 FC Porto (Liga 19/20 #21)”

  1. For those who don't watch any of our Matches (Porto) or or league (Liga Nos), this incident was horrible, and a lot of people only watch the video and not know the context. Marega is a former player of Guimarães, a club that is known to have the most fanatic fans. In this season in which we won, and ended up winning everything fighting till the end, we needed to win or else we would be bankrupt pratically. Contracts were ending, money was short, we didnt qualify for the champions league and we were in a tight situation. The reason why we didnt walk off the stadium because we literally could not loose any points, and our club has a history of getting treated poorly by officials because were from Porto, not the main capital. The players wanted Marega to stay because he was a key player and if we lost the match it would be over for us, and the club would be fucked. So, what we did, was we used the hate that Guimarães gave us, and used it aganist them a destoyed them to shut them up, and we did it again. And today were playing against them again, and we plan on doing it again. Our club set a whole campaign on Marega's behalf and Guimarães was fined. If your asking about the ref, the ref has a history as well as being poor, and not really caring about Our club. Please don't hate on the team mates as Marega said, The #25 player is Otavio and Marega even made a statement that in no way was Otavio forcing him to do anything, just supporting him. If you have anything else you wanna know feel free to reply. But in all seriousness, in no way was it Porto's fault for the racism, it was the fanatic Guimarães fans, who were all identified and charged. @ I remember watching this match live, and it was honestly sickening, and just seeing the chairs thrown, and Marega has always been known as a player who is kind hearted, and it was wrong. As of now, no racism has occured, and the clubs and league has made sure for that incident not to happen again. Theres so much went on in that match, where I wish I could cover it here, but theres a word limit. Again if you wanna know anything more about the match and what fully happend just reply. Força Porto! @!

  2. O que os adeptos fizeram foi uma autêntica falta de respeito com e óbvio evtenho que admitir isso mas o marega n foi santo nenhum no meio disto tudo e por alguns adeptos estúpidos sem noção foi o meu Vitória que ficou mal visto pq n foram nem metade dos adeptos que o chamaram de "preto" e "macaco"pq a grande maioria dos adeptos apenas assobiaram o que é um ato normal pq em todos os jogo e em todos os clubes há assobios….

  3. God what's so bad with me being black ? You keep hurting and attacking us because we are black ..you people are heartless but you should know the tears we drop God is watching

  4. Portuguêses nojentos não representa a minha espécie ser humano indiotas calhordas nojentos impuros nos seres humanos humanos somos todos iguais força aí meu caro guerreiro levanta a cabeça empina o nariz sacode a poeira e vida que segue obominaveis não tem vez ????✨?✨

  5. Adeptos vergonhosos racistas até a um futebolista que já os representou no passado não souberam respeitar esses vergonhosos desde o aquecimento até o futebolista abandonar o recinto do jogo passaram o tempo todo com cânticos racistas vergonha.Forca Marega tiveste uma atitude digna.deste uma lição de estar na vida a eesses vergonhosos racistas

  6. Irkçı saldırolari kiniyorum. 2. Golu atan kişi herkesin irkci saldirilarina maruz kalmistir. Hepsine gereken cevabi verdi. Bu yorumu okuyan kişi begrnmedende gecme

  7. Tive de ver o video dos festejos do Marega mais do que uma vez para perceber que ele estava a apontar para a cor da pele. Ao início pensei que ele estava a provocar os adeptos do Guimarães, como que a afirmar que são toxicodependentes. Seja como for, racismo é uma vergonha e o árbitro devia ter interrompido o jogo, como se faz noutros países.

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