FC Porto 3-3 Man Utd | McKola reacciona

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23 opiniones en “FC Porto 3-3 Man Utd | McKola reacciona”

  1. 1 win in 10 European games is an understatement. Look at the teams !!! Talking about winning trophies and being a cup team.
    Porto (A) Draw
    Twente (H) Draw
    Bayern (A) Lost
    Galatasaray (A) Draw
    Copenhagen (A) Lost
    Copenhagen (H) Won
    Galatasaray (H) Lost
    Bayern (H) Lost
    Sevilla (A) Lost
    Sevilla (H) Draw

  2. I can’t remember the last time we played a good 90 minutes.

    Maybe about 6/7 years ago?? ETH has lost the plot, I know it saved him a point at the end but those CB subs were beyond baffling. Got away with one yet again, hopefully Villa give us a pasting with our shite midfield and he’s gone.

  3. whole team defending is abysmal until that wont change we will witness what we witness every game look how liverpool or arsenal or man city front 3 defending is night and day compare with us

  4. Thank you Adam, It's soooo clear we are not being set up well enough. We are not being coached well enough. Our players aren't world class I hear that but if they were well drilled & if we had an actual set up, we WOULD be doing better for sure

  5. I'm where you are, so I completely understand. All these other United fans are just absolutely spiralling, and some are even hoping we get beat just so they could say they were right, and that is absolutely disgusting

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